Sunday, November 6, 2011

Thanks Vetrans!

Our military gives us our daily freedom.  We often take these freedoms for granted.  We go about our daily lives not even thinking about how much others are thinking about our freedom.  How much others devote their lives to protecting ours.  Our military defends the foreign policies that our government puts in place to defend our nation and help make prosperious relationships with other countries.

Thank you to the men and women who risk their lives and sacrifice their time so we can live our lives with peace of mind.  Thank you to their families who love them and support them and sacrifice their time and memories so selflessly.  I find it amazing that others care so much about my feedom that they fight to defend it.

November 11th is Vetrans Day.  Make sure that you thank our military service men and women for their sacrifices and the work that they do.

"America is not anything if it consists of each of us.  It is something only if it consists of all of us."
     Woodrow Wilson~28Th  President (1913-1921)

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